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Pharmaceutical Wastewater Treatment With BDD: Hebei XXX Pharmaceutical


Hebei XXX Pharmaceutical focuses on R&D, manufacturing and sales of pharmaceutical products. Their high-end specialty active pharmaceutical ingredient and formulation facility aimed to meet GMP standards.
With a total effluent at 500 m3/day (21 m3/hour), wastewater from pharmaceutical manufacturing site, spray equipment/floor washing, domestic sources and circulating water. Toxic pharmaceutical wastewater need to be treated before discharging to the sewaer network.

pharmaceutical wastewater treatment case study

Check the field record of Boromond team:

Influent: PH value: 6-7, COD(cr): 11000 mg/L, Ammonia nitrogen: 680 mg/L

Effluent: PH value: 6-9, COD(cr): ≤300 mg/L, Ammonia nitrogen: ≤20 mg/L

Due to effective degradation/organics oxidation of hydroxyl radicals generated by eletrochemical oxidation process, hydroxyl radicals destroy pollutant structures and improving biodegradability

Boron-doped diamond (BDD) anodes provide major advantages relative to commonly used anode materials such as platinum (Pt), iridium oxide (IrO2), lead dioxide (PbO2) and tin oxide (SnO2) primarily owing to their superior corrosion resistance, higher oxygen overpotential and chemical inertness. Conventional anode materials face issues with corrosion, lower oxidizing power and reactivity with electrolytes that reduce their effectiveness for these purposes.

Exceptional stability, reactivity and efficiency of BDD anodes:

Exceptional corrosion stability and durability, even under harsh conditions.

Considerably higher overpotential for the oxygen evolution reaction, enabling oxidation at lower voltages.

Chemical inertness, as BDD is resistant to reactions with electrolyte species.

These properties make BDD anodes uniquely suitable for electrochemical oxidation process

Degrading or removing low concentrations of organic contaminants and micropollutants- Disinfecting water supplies through the electrochemical generation of oxidants like chlorine

BDD anodes provide a superior alternative for electrochemically treating and purifying water compared to traditional anode materials

was chosen to transform/remove recalcitrant components, improve biodegradability and reduce biofouling for economic efficiency.

Boron-doped diamond can be effectively utilized for degrading trace contaminants and disinfecting water supplies.

Integrated modular equipment enables fast production/ assembly, simple operation and short construction periods.

wastewater treatment system
*wastewater treatment system based on BDD electrode, designed and developed by Boromond

The project took 15 days for equipment production, 5 for installation plus 10 days for completion of testing and running. Longantai Environmental Protection controlled all process parameters.

Integrated automated controls allow Hebei XXX Pharmaceutical staffs monitoring the whole wastewater processing procedure from offices, observing parameters like flow, pH, level and temperature.
The BDD modules is running stably, Boromond technicians provide regular operation training and equipment checks.

Boromond offer a customized wastewater treatment solution using boron-doped diamond materials to improve wastewater biodegradability for effective treatment and safe, standards-compliant effluent discharge.

Integrated, automated controls provide safe, reliable operation and reduced costs. The project demonstrated Boromond’s ability to solve complex wastewater treatment challenges through highly specialized solutions developed with and for our clients’ needs.

Boromond managed to develop comprehensive pharmaceutical wastewater treatment system which include process equipment, electrical/instrumentation, controls, structural drawings.

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